About SGS

Federation of General and Special workers in Iceland (SGS) is a federation of trade unions in the private sector and part of the public sector. SGS promotes and works for the improvement of wages and rights of employees, safeguards the interests of employees towards employers and the authorities and provides various services to its trade unions and individual members.

SGS is built up of 18 trade unions of general and special workers, with a total of around 44.000 members. SGS five main branches are food and agriculture, building and construction, service and tourism, industry, and public services. SGS is a member of ASÍ – The Icelandic Confederation of Labour. SGS is an active member of various Nordic, European and International organisations i.e. IN-Nordic, NU-LIVS, NU-HRCT, NBTF, IndustriAll, EFFAT and IUF.

Head Office: Guðrúnartúni 1, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Tel: +354 562 6410
Email: sgs@sgs.is

Affiliated unions
AFL Starfsgreinafélag
Aldan stéttarfélag
Báran stéttarfélag
Drífandi stéttarfélag
Framsýn stéttarfélag
Stéttarfélag Vesturlands
Stéttarfélagið Samstaða
Verkalýðs- og sjómannafélag Bolungarvíkur
Verkalýðs- og sjómannafélag Keflavíkur og nágrennis
Verkalýðs- og sjómannafélag Sandgerðis
Verkalýðsfélag Akraness
Verkalýðsfélag Grindavíkur
Verkalýðsfélag Snæfellinga
Verkalýðsfélag Suðurlands
Verkalýðsfélag Vestfirðinga
Verkalýðsfélag Þórshafnar
Verkalýðsfélagið Hlíf